Here at Holy Trinity we have many ministries that serve not only our congregation, but the community as a whole. If you have questions about any of the groups listed below or would like information on being a part of a ministry, please Contact Us.
Altar Guild
Holy Trinity's Altar Guild maintains and prepares the sacristy for our weekly worship services.
Church Council
Our church would not function without the leadership of our Church Council. Members are elected annually. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
Many of Holy Trinity's events are coordinated by the church Deacons. The annual Advent and Fastnacht dinners, Mother and Daughter Banquet and the church picnic are only some of the Deacon's responsibilities.
Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund Board of Managers maintains bequests given to Holy Trinity by our congregation.
Finance Committee
Responsible for creating Holy Trinity's annual budget.
Music Ministry
We are very proud of our vibrant musical talents at Holy Trinity. Our senior and youth vocal choirs, our hand bell choir, and Joyful Noise the HTLC Band all provide music that enrich our services. We have a worship and music committee that meets every one to two months to plan worship and discuss any concerns about worship from the congregation. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings.
Property Committee
The Property Use Committee attends to the maintenance and improvement of Holy Trinity's Church, Parsonage and Luther Haus.
Sewing Ministries
Holy Trinity is very fortunate to have the talents of the Jolly Quilters and the Knotty Knotters. They create and donate a variety of quilts, comforters, walker caddies and other items to hospitals and other charitable organizations.
Christian Education/Youth Committee
Our Youth Ministry is constantly growing and expanding to meet the needs of our congregation's young people. Our two youth groups have been very active in community activities and fundraisers, as well as attending many events including In-Tents Church Camp, Creation, and Quake. We are looking to hire a new youth director who will work closely with the pastor, youth, and their parents.
Altar Guild
Holy Trinity's Altar Guild maintains and prepares the sacristy for our weekly worship services.
Church Council
Our church would not function without the leadership of our Church Council. Members are elected annually. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m.
Many of Holy Trinity's events are coordinated by the church Deacons. The annual Advent and Fastnacht dinners, Mother and Daughter Banquet and the church picnic are only some of the Deacon's responsibilities.
Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund Board of Managers maintains bequests given to Holy Trinity by our congregation.
Finance Committee
Responsible for creating Holy Trinity's annual budget.
Music Ministry
We are very proud of our vibrant musical talents at Holy Trinity. Our senior and youth vocal choirs, our hand bell choir, and Joyful Noise the HTLC Band all provide music that enrich our services. We have a worship and music committee that meets every one to two months to plan worship and discuss any concerns about worship from the congregation. Anyone is welcome to attend the meetings.
Property Committee
The Property Use Committee attends to the maintenance and improvement of Holy Trinity's Church, Parsonage and Luther Haus.
Sewing Ministries
Holy Trinity is very fortunate to have the talents of the Jolly Quilters and the Knotty Knotters. They create and donate a variety of quilts, comforters, walker caddies and other items to hospitals and other charitable organizations.
Christian Education/Youth Committee
Our Youth Ministry is constantly growing and expanding to meet the needs of our congregation's young people. Our two youth groups have been very active in community activities and fundraisers, as well as attending many events including In-Tents Church Camp, Creation, and Quake. We are looking to hire a new youth director who will work closely with the pastor, youth, and their parents.
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The above article was from 2005,
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